
Our 1st Conversation

From a request to a confirmation I befriended him. Our texts were unlimited and the only limits he had was not being able to hear the sound of my voice. So he called... And from the moment his lips started to dance, I heard happiness in his 'Hello'  Butterflies in his vocal cords And fireflies in his laugh. And although our conversation was not what I expected It was everything i hoped for...Interesting !! He spoke as though his stories were tattooed on his tongue Guarded by his teeth so only he knew why he was smiling. He said he didn't know what his hidden talent was I say it's the ability to make a girl laugh uncontrollably as if She's never been hurt before He has the talent to keep her on the phone 8 hours longer than she planned to be The gift to make her feel as though she known him for a couple years Lost contact & they was just catchin' up where they left off His sense of humor and ambitiousness has me on my tippy toes & I&#

Love Education

Instead of "Sex Education", they should've taught "Love Education". Ya'll complain about our generation and how corrupt it is, but if half of us were taught how to love ourselves, we wouldn't be so messed up like we are now.
Its like we enter a relationship knowing in the back of our minds that this person is going to break our hearts, but we still give it a chance because we rather lay up crying all night about the "I can't believe I did" than the "I cant believe I didn't   "  

Listen To Your Heart

I just finished watching "Listen To Your Heart" and throughout that whole movie I found myself in tears. It was different from the regular romance/dramas I usually watch because this time it was a musician that fell inlove with a deaf girl. How ironic is that? The way this guy was so determined to love her inspite of her disability  had me questioning myself, "Have I ever experienced "unconditional love? " I love everyone but to be in love to the point where nothing else matters but that person's heart, I'm not so sure of. I've never been at a point in my life where I was with someone and I loved them so unconditionally that if they were to get ran over by a truck, legs amputated, or face burned up, I can look past that. But I want to be in love like that. People say it only happens in movies... but "acting" is "reacting" which means it already happened, someone is just reacting it out. "Love" is a word, It's up to
We Attract Who We Are. We Get Back What We Give Off. Maybe The Only Reason You're Favorite Line When You Past A Brotha/Sista Is, "These Men/ Women Aint No Good" Is Because You Aint No Good If You're Attracting "No Good" Individuals. We Gotta Be Real W/ Our Selves. Stop Tryna Attract 10's When You're A 5!!
I refuse to be that 55 year old woman, who at 10 years old had a list of dreams of who she wanted to be when she got older, but as the years went by she crossed each dream out because she was scared to take chances...Tired Of Chasing My Dreams, Time To Catch Them!!

Behind The "G Walls"

Today I received a letter from a friend back home who's been  locked up (Ricker's Island) going on 4 years. We've been talking back and forth for a while but I fell off. I guess I got caught up in my new life, I forgot about the people in my old one. He says he wrote me 4 months ago and I never replied, but he understands. From the way he talks now, I can tell that he's matured and he's trying to be a better person and live a positive life style. But he's coming out soon and he's already talking about making fast money again and it bothers me because there's no legal way to make fast money in the hood. I'm responding to him in a  letter tonight, but this time I want to write a letter that's going to make him think about bettering himself completely in every area of his life. So I'm going to take my time, pray about it, and let the words flow. Hope what ever I write has a great,impact on his life.