Our 1st Conversation

From a request to a confirmation I befriended him.
Our texts were unlimited and the only limits he had was not being
able to hear the sound of my voice.
So he called...
And from the moment his lips started to dance,
I heard happiness in his 'Hello'
 Butterflies in his vocal cords
And fireflies in his laugh.
And although our conversation was not what I expected
It was everything i hoped for...Interesting !!
He spoke as though his stories were tattooed on his tongue
Guarded by his teeth so only he knew why he was smiling.
He said he didn't know what his hidden talent was
I say it's the ability to make a girl laugh uncontrollably as if
She's never been hurt before
He has the talent to keep her on the phone 8 hours longer than
she planned to be
The gift to make her feel as though she known him for a couple years
Lost contact
& they was just catchin' up where they left off
His sense of humor and ambitiousness has me on my tippy toes
& I'm just tryna' keep up.
Full of flaws he's aware but can't seem to get rid of
Oblivious to the fact that that's all the more reason for his future queen to love him more
He made a 9 hour conversation feel as if only 9 minutes passed by
He's the kind of guy that makes you mad at the clock's hands for moving too fast
& Although we've already met, i just wanna take this time out to reintroduce myself
Hi, My name is Jessica Alexandra Stewart
I know that I'm beautiful but it feels good coming from someone else's lips every once in a while
So whenever you get the urge to tell me, dont hold back
I have a list of flaws that can fill up a gymnasium but I'm still a work in progress
So dont judge me
I have a habit of falling for someone quicker than I'm suppose to
So if you're not going to be there to catch me, let me know in advance
So I don't get my hopes up.
I cry in movie theaters
& Laugh in libraries
I don't have a big butt
& my hair isn't 18 inches
I bite my nails when I'm nervous
And the spots on my face aren't freckles
They're blemishes
I know that good things comes to those who wait
But GREAT things come to those who go get it
So thanks for coming to get me (LOL)
I'm the middle child so I have a thing for being in the center
These aren't just my flaws
This is me
The things I kinda left out in our 1st conversation.


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