Behind The "G Walls"

Today I received a letter from a friend back home who's been  locked up (Ricker's Island) going on 4 years. We've been talking back and forth for a while but I fell off. I guess I got caught up in my new life, I forgot about the people in my old one. He says he wrote me 4 months ago and I never replied, but he understands. From the way he talks now, I can tell that he's matured and he's trying to be a better person and live a positive life style. But he's coming out soon and he's already talking about making fast money again and it bothers me because there's no legal way to make fast money in the hood. I'm responding to him in a  letter tonight, but this time I want to write a letter that's going to make him think about bettering himself completely in every area of his life. So I'm going to take my time, pray about it, and let the words flow. Hope what ever I write has a great,impact on his life.


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