Listen To Your Heart

I just finished watching "Listen To Your Heart" and throughout that whole movie I found myself in tears. It was different from the regular romance/dramas I usually watch because this time it was a musician that fell inlove with a deaf girl. How ironic is that? The way this guy was so determined to love her inspite of her disability  had me questioning myself, "Have I ever experienced "unconditional love? " I love everyone but to be in love to the point where nothing else matters but that person's heart, I'm not so sure of. I've never been at a point in my life where I was with someone and I loved them so unconditionally that if they were to get ran over by a truck, legs amputated, or face burned up, I can look past that. But I want to be in love like that. People say it only happens in movies... but "acting" is "reacting" which means it already happened, someone is just reacting it out. "Love" is a word, It's up to our hearts to define it.


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