I wanna surrener ALL...=o/

So here's the deal... I sort of have a "dilemma." I'm striving to make a change in my life && I'm really contemplating on getting baptized. Getting baptized is a huge decision that only you can make for yourself && Im really taking it serious. The thing is everytime I start thinking about baptism, Satan starts throwing things in my head like "You know you're still gonna party, drink && smoke after you get baptized so whats the point?". It's like a battle going on with me right  now && I'm aware that I can't fight it on my own.... The other thing is that when I do make this big step in my life, how will it affect some of my friendships?? Especially the niggas I done passed L's around a cypha with, or drank a $60 bottle of Goose with..talk crap, threw up then fell asleep and woke up 8:00pm the next evening with. 


.. && then I hear this still small voice in my head saying "Jess I gotchu"..So while I'm sitting here totally forgetting about God and how he sent his ONLY son to die for me, I'm worried about a girl who has a bunch of friends && would hardly even notice I'm missing. Its amazing how we put other people that breathe the same way we breathe before the one who gave us breath in the first place. I started making this blog out, without a topic in mind, I was just gonna type whatever came to mind. God has ways of telling you his answers dont he?? =o))...I guess Im gonna just put it all in his hands. All to Jesus I surrender!! ((Mercy!))

There's a song that goes:

I will trust in God to supply my needs
He'll come through for me if I just belive.
If I pray in faith then he will  recieve.
If I tell God about my problems, he'll work it out for me!


  1. Seeems like you already figured it out. Don't let the devil talk you out of doing what you know is in your heart to do. The lifestyle and friends you had before are incomparable when you think about what God can do and has done,for you.

  2. Thank you. That's exactly what I needed to hear!


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